A Visit to the Penguin Patch®


‘Twas the night before the Penguin Patch® Holiday Shop
All the Penguins were rushing because this was no time to stop.
The boxes were shipped and reorders made ready
The kids would be shopping for family and friends in the morning.
Every school in the nation and a few in Canada too
Had their parents trained and ready on cue

And then what to my wondering eyes did appear
But more Penguins to volunteer as the Holiday Shop drew near.
Each Penguin seemed to know just what to do.
Taking calls and reorders, packing boxes to ship
Knowing that a perfect gift would be making the trip.

At the schools, doors were decorated, gifts neatly displayed
Soon the kids would begin their holiday parade
Down hall they all came to the Penguin Patch room
Their eyes big and round as the moon
And then they each went straight to the work
Of finding gifts for all on their list
Some gifts they were matching,
Some gifts they were fun
But something for everyone by the time they were done.
The smiles on their faces said it all on that day

It had been a success in so many ways.
The Volunteers now wrapped up their shop for the night
And at the end they shipped back what product remained
No Counting Inventory – The Honor System™ is the Penguin Patch Way.

And now the warehouse on Alta Vista is dark
Another season of Holiday Shops has made its mark.
Jennifer, Kay, Sandy, Gayla, and the Penguin Patch flock
All head to their homes to their warm little beds.

They dream of the kids and the smiles on their faces,
How happy they’ll be when the day is made Merry.
And then to start planning for next year in a Hurry!
For the work is never done
When there are Holiday Shops to be run!