Free Tech? Penguin Patch Loyalty Program for Your School!
Imagine getting cool gadgets like iPads, popcorn machines, school supplies, books, and even a Keurig Coffee Maker with K-Cups for free. Yes, you read that right! It’s like rolling out the red carpet for your PTA/PTO Group and your school. Our Loyalty Program is tailor-made for elementary schools, designed to bring exciting benefits directly to your school community.
Our Loyalty Program prizes are carefully chosen items that can directly benefit your school. You can use them as enticing raffle prizes, rewards, or in engaging drawings. For instance, a popcorn machine can be a fun and profitable addition, allowing you to sell popcorn every Friday and raise some extra funds. Another clever idea is to use your loyalty points to acquire coveted items like an X Box or iPad, and then sell raffle tickets for them. The excitement builds, the funds accumulate, and everyone, students included, eagerly anticipates the thrilling moment of discovering the winners.
Here’s How It Works:
Host a Penguin Patch Holiday Shop and get one point for every dollar you earn during your shop.
Our Loyal Penguins can redeem points in March & October through our online redemption page.
Your selections are shipped right to your school for you to enjoy!